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Afterlife evidence

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  • 2,060 cardiac arrest cases analysed over 4 years by scientists at Southampton University

  • 39% of survivors described some form of awareness which may have occurred while “clinically dead”

  • Previously thought that brain shuts down 20 - 30 seconds after heart stops & awareness then impossible

  • 57 year old man accurately recalled events 3 minutes after heart stopped, including from a position outside his physical body, verified by medical staff




“The researchers are to be congratulated on the completion of a fascinating study that will open the door to more extensive research into what happens when we die.”


               Dr. Jerry Nolan, Editor-in-chief of 

“Resuscitation” Medical journal

A Doctor’s discovery

  • Eminent psychiatrist sees lady with crippling anxiety, panic attacks, phobias and depression

  • Conventional medical approaches fail to help after 18 months and he resorts to Hypnotic regression

  • Lady describes “past life” & death by drowning; phobia of drowning then disappears in current life

  • Successive past life recollections relieve other symptoms in current life resulting in full recovery

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Dr Brian Weiss:


  • 1966 - Magna Cum Laude graduate of Columbia University


  • 1970 - Yale Medical School M.D. Graduate, Faculty position at the University of Pittsburgh


  • 1972 - Head of Psychopharmacology division, University of Miami,National recognition achieved in fields of biological psychiatry & substance abuse


  • 1976 - Promoted to Associate professor of Psychiatry,Chief of Psychiatry at University affiliated hospital (37 Medical papers and chapters published by 1976)


  • Present - Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Centre in Miami

Eminent Psychiatrist Dr Brian Weiss had been working with Catherine, a twenty-seven-year-old technician at a Miami University, for eighteen months - she was suffering from recurring nightmares and chronic anxiety attacks. When his traditional methods of therapy failed, Dr Weiss turned to regression hypnotherapy and was astonished and sceptical when Catherine began recalling past-life traumas which seemed to hold the key to her problems.


During each session Weiss regresses Catherine back to what he begins to identify as past lives and she describes scarring traumas of poverty, pain, hardship, and violent death that correspond to problems in her current life. One incarnation involves drowning, in another she’s a soldier whose throat is slashed - in trance she describes lives as males and females of varying race and nationality, and recognizes people in her current life playing other roles.


After each regression, Weiss observes Catherine's outlook brightening - each session dissipates a different phobia or fear. As she becomes confident and energetic Weiss resolves to get to the bottom of every one of her anxieties via this method, and she shows no trace of anxiety by the book's end.


He has since become one of the world’s leading authorities on reincarnation and helped hundreds of people to overcome physical, mental, emotional & social problems corresponding to past life traumas by using & training others to use past-life regression.


Summary of Dr. Brian Weiss’ international best-seller, “Many Lives, Many Masters




“Past life therapy must be seriously considered as a potent and cost-effective addition to the roster of effective holistic therapies”


Dr. Brian L. Weiss M.D

Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami

Fantasy or reality?

  • Over 1000 subjects hypnotically regressed in small workshops  and asked their sex, race, social class etc.

  • 49.4% female and 50.6 male lives reported, in line with biological fact of 50% split for most mammals

  • Mainly white Californians produce race and social class distributions consistent with historical records

  • Genetic memory ruled out as explaination for cases where past & current lives share no genetic link

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Too many Cleopatras?



“A frequent objection to past-life recall is that so many people seemed to have been Cleopatra or high priests in Egypt in past lives. Would that also be true of my large sample of more than 1000 cases?


The upper class was very small - less than 10% in every time period I measured.


[…] The lower class constituted between 60 and 77 % of all lives in all the time periods covered.

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All-white on the night?


“I was curious to know if my subjects, who were nearly all middle class white Californians, would see themselves as members of the white race in past lives.


If past-life recall was fantasy, I would probably find a higher percentage of the white race in past time periods than history would suggest was true.


[...] Most of my subjects were not Caucasian in their past lives.

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Gender bias?


“I knew that in any given time period in the past, roughly half of the population was male and half female.


78% of my subjects in the first group were women. Would women be more likely to see themselves as women in a past life? […] My subjects split neatly and evenly into 50.3% male and 49.7 female.


In my second group of three hundred cases […] 55% female […] I once again found the virtual 50-50 split.




“Because each recall is individual, there would be no way that telepathy, fantasy, or chance alone could determine the way in which the cumulative statistics emerged when the data were evaluated. These data build an impressive case for the existence of past lives”


              Dr. Helen Wambach PhD

Birthmarks and birth defects

  • 210 children recalling previous lives and attributing birthmarks and/or defects to wounds on the deceased investigated


  • Correspondence confirmed in 88% of cases (43 of 49) where a deceased person unmistakably matching the child's statements identified and a medical document (usually a postmortem report) obtained


  • In 18 cases two birthmarks on a subject corresponded to gunshot wounds of entry and exit on the deceased

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Figure 1 


Hypopigmented macule on chest of an Indian youth who, as a child, said he remembered the life of a man, Maha Ram, who was killed with a shotgun fired at close range.


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Figure 2 


The circles show the principal shotgun wounds on Maha Ram, for comparison with Figure 1.


[This drawing is from the autopsy report of the deceased.]

Figure 3  


Small, round puckered birthmark on a Thai boy that corresponded to the bullet wound of entry in a man whose life he said he remembered and who had been shot with a rifle from behind.

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Figure 4


Larger, irregularly shaped birthmark on the frontal area of the head of the Thai boy shown in Figure 3.


[This birthmark corresponded to the bullet wound of exit on the Thai man whose life the boy said he remembered.

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“I believe, therefore, that reincarnation is the best explanation for the stronger cases […]

It may well be the best explanation for many other cases also. ”


        Dr. Ian Stevenson

Department of Psychiatric Medicine, University of Virginia, School of Medicine

Children’s past life memories

Shanti Devi ↔ Ludgi Chaubine

  • 4 year old Indian girl tells parents she has husband and son in Mathura, town 140 miles away

  • Details husband’s physical appearance, cloth shop & location, son & her death by childbirth as Ludgi

  • Gave name and address of husband Kedarnath, letter written to him & swift reply received verifying details

  • Upon his visit she stated his favourite foods and described intimate details that no-one else knew including the sexual position & technique they used to overcome Ludgi’s painful arthritis; Kedarnath then convinced

  • 4 year old Swarnlata spontaneously gives details of life as “Biya”, who lived 100 miles away

  • Gives details of house & family later enabling their location and verification of details

  • Swarnlata makes over 20 spontaneous name and relationship-to-Biya recognitions when tested in person

  • Many other verifications including changes to interior of family home since Biya’s death (including hidden stash of 1200 rupees which Biya’s husband then confessed to removing - noone else alive knew of it)

Past Life Regression


Dr Brain Weiss

Dr. Helen Wambach

Captain Robert Snow ↔ Artist Carroll Beckwith





Life Between Lives (using hypnosis to recall between lives experiences)


Dr Michael Newton


The Newton Institute





Xenoglossy (speaking a language not learnt in current lifetime)


Mrs Smith ↔ Gretchen





Skills and abilities (particularly in children)






Near death experiences


Dr. Raymond Moody







Over 10,000 past & between lives regressed clients (Brian Weiss 4000+, Dr Michael Newton 7000+) have consistently reported that death is nothing to fear, because the freedom, joy and sense of overwhelming love that define the afterlife (our “true home”) is so wonderful it’s often difficult for clients to communicate in words.


You don’t just have to rely on experts and this extensive afterlife evidence though - discover other people’s & your own past and between lives memories via the button below!

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